How can I deal with anger in my life and become an encouraging person? I believe that GOD's design is for all of us to be encouragers and build one another up - I don't believe that we should settle for second best or a mediocre life where we pass ourselves off as 'difficult' or 'grumpy'!

Before you read on let me remind you that you are GOD's masterpiece, created and designed for a purpose! Seek the best, seek excellence, seek HIM!

Let us not be misconceived, anger is real and it's hard to deal with, but it is possible! It may be easier said than done, but here are a few easy steps that you can incorporate into your everyday life to become less angry and more encouraging!

Psalm 39:13-15 – I will wait for You Lord, You will answer – David let the Lord take control of a situation that could have angered him. In Proverbs 20:22 we read Do not say, "I'll pay you back for this wrong!" Wait for the LORD, and he will deliver you! How encouraging is that! We must never underestimate the value of not rushing into things, waiting allows GOD to move in HIS timing.

How many times should I forgive someone who keeps repeating the offence? Peter asked Jesus the same question in Mat 18:21-22, Jesus gave him such a large number that it was implied that we should keep on forgiving. I believe that it's because it will probably happen again... so we should be prepared to forgive. GOD gives us a model for this in HIS Grace, we can never out-sin Grace!

1 Corinthians 13: 5b says that love is not easily angered and keeps no record of wrongs, if we will learn to forgive in step 2, then we need to move on in GOD's love. To forget does not mean that we pretend like it never happened; to forget is to decide that it will no longer determine how you feel.

The Lord is slow to anger and abounding in love (Ex 34:6)! If at first you're not sure how to proceed, start with love, and GOD will be there with you. I believe that the presence of true love is the presence of GOD, so if we follow steps 1-3, we'll be ready to love!

Jesus said in Mat 5:38-48 – Turn the other cheek, love your neighbours and your enemies! It's easy to love those that love us back, but not those who mock us. I challenge you to try this next time someone insults you, you will find that you will see them with the compassion of Christ.

When Jesus was preaching on the mount He gave us this advice on worship and anger...Do not come to worship unless you have reconciled with your brother [or sister]. We cannot, cannot, cannot worship GOD, if there is anger or discord in our hearts, but I have found, that when I start to get angry, if I worship GOD in spirit and in truth, the anger subsides. Where there is true worship, there is a true encounter with GOD and there is a true outpouring of love, it is in that moment when we are compelled to unity and reconciliation.

Anger and forgiveness are like black and white, wet and dry, day and night. The opposing action of anger is the action of love, forgiveness – and the only way to overcome anger is through forgiveness. The actions that stem from our love are the evidence of our forgiveness – John 3:16 & Luke 7:47! For forgiveness to be felt it must be seen in our actions.

Forgiveness is not easy and requires great love, strength, maturity. There is a passage that stands out for me when it comes to leaning on the Lord. 2 Corinthians 4:6-11 Show the light of Christ to the world, as jars of clay as we reveal that the all-surpassing power is from God and not our own.

Let your gentleness be evident to all (Philippians 4:5).

We are the only Bible that some people will ever get to read – how we live shows others what we believe, what principles we live by, what our boundaries are, what our goals are and who/what we serve. Shall we serve anger, or are we going to serve God. Jesus was the epitome of servanthood and the way that he taught was love, for in love we have hope and hope is at the forefront of forgiveness. 

Love, brings about forgiveness, healing and restoration and with that comes the hope of new life. We should show our gratitude that we are ransomed, healed, restored and FORGIVEN. Let us be slow to anger and abounding in love, let us not keep a record of wrongs but let us use the blessing of forgiveness freely to build lasting and meaningful relationships.

Be blessed as you encourage others!!
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