(Part 4 of "Don't be a pharisee...") 

For we maintain that [we are] justified by faith apart from the works of the law. 

(This is the fourth part in a series on looking at Christ through faith or through the law.)

Lastly, as we progress from right and wrong, through rules and regulations, we arrive at the stark truth that the leaders of this particular synagogue, and ourselves,  lacked faith (see scripture).  Faith separates the believer from the non-believer.  Faith doesn’t need rules and regulations, it doesn’t need right or wrong.  It’s content to accept.  And what's of great encouragement - we are justified by our faith:  not the law: not the regulations.

Jesus said that we should have childlike faith, not childish faith.  I think the difference has to do with the heart of where our faith stems from.  Childish faith needs constant affirmation, as if it's not quite enough.  Childlike faith is content in a place of trust.  Hebrews tells us that it is confident and assured.  A child cannot do anything to earn their parent's love - it's available to them freely!  When we get this, we get that it's not about what I do, but about what Jesus did!

We all make mistakes, sometimes unwillingly, and sometimes willingly.  It's easy to move on from an innocent error, but when we've selfishly chosen our own way over what we know to be what GOD wants for us, it's harder to fess up!  I think it has to do with our mindset that GOD can forgive innocent mistakes, but where I've purposefully hurt Him - that's a no-go area.  Cast that thought out now!

GOD loves it when we turn to Him, it doesn't matter where we've come from, it matters to Him where we want to go!  Choosing to follow Christ is a decision of faith, it's a life-choice where we put our sin in His hands.  It's not about hiding or shading away... that's what Adam and Eve did in the story of Eden.  It's not about packing them in a box under the bed, it's about saying "Here GOD, you are the only one that can destroy sin!"

Last night, I had a vision of GOD crossing great mountains and rivers to get to us, and I saw that GOD's aim wasn't to stand on the mountain top, it was to go into the valleys and to seek out the caves where His people are hiding from the light.  Not because they're scared, but because they don't think they're worthy of standing in the light.  Because they look at themselves through the eyes of the law and know that they are not good enough.  But that's why Jesus came.  That's why we say "We have the victory!"  It's by faith that you and I can stand in the light.  It's by faith that you and I can walk with Jesus and not have to hide away when we hear GOD's footsteps.

Be encouraged!  Don't hide away, step out into the light.
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