He said, “Son of man, I’m sending you to the family of Israel, a rebellious nation if there ever was one. They and their ancestors have fomented rebellion right up to the present. They’re a hard case, these people to whom I’m sending you—hardened in their sin. Tell them, ‘This is the Message of God, the Master.’ They are a defiant bunch. Whether or not they listen, at least they’ll know that a prophet’s been here.
Ez 2:3-5

Have you ever had to deal with someone who is stubborn and hard-headed?  Have you wandered if GOD knows what it's like?  Well, if you have - GOD knows exactly how you feel!

When I read this scripture my first thought was; why would GOD tell Ezekiel to speak to the rebels and then tell him that they probably wouldn't listen? He knew that they would probably reject The Word, yet He was willing to send it anyway.

After dwelling on this for a little while, perhaps these are two reasons:

Firstly, it's a lesson in obedience and faith.

As with Ezekiel, GOD wants us to obey Him as an act of love, faith and honour. When we obey what GOD places on our hearts, regardless of the consequences, we demonstrate that we believe His ways to be higher than our own. Not knowing what the end result will be requires enormous faith!

So, speak the the truth. Speak the truth when it's time. Whether people listen or not is not our responsibility. Our lot is to speak the Word and shine the light into dark places.

Have you ever felt that you should share what GOD is doing in your life with someone, but then not shared it because you thought you knew what their response would have been?  

I know I have.

It's like the parable of the seed sower:  he sowed the seeds regardless of the ground.  Some ground was hard and stubborn, other ground was soft and fertile - ready to grow and mature.  Some hearts are like that to; they've been waiting for the truth that you have to speak!

In this scripture GOD warns Ezekiel that the people probably wouldn't listen, but that he must speak anyway. Why? Because GOD wanted to give Ezekiel a chance to demonstrate his obedience and faith.

His obedience would set him apart and show that he was not a rebel to GOD's love.  His obedience was his act of worship! Our obedience, too, is an act of worship!  Speak up, regardless of what you think the response might be!

Secondly, GOD will never withhold His Word from us.

This is a foreshadow of what was to come with the Messiah.

GOD continually sent the Word time and time again through judges, kings and prophets. Then eventually the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. But still, we wouldn't listen. I see this, not as a picture of our disobedience, but of GOD's love for us. He sends the Word to us because He loves us! Perhaps this is, too, a picture of Grace?

We did not deserve the Word, yet GOD sent it anyway.  We would not treat the Word as we should, yet GOD sent Him anyway.

What this then means is that when we respond, our worship is not a result of His command but rather it is a response to His love; an acceptance of Grace.

May you hear GOD's voice. May you know His heart and may you encounter and engage with the Word, Jesus Christ, in a way that encourages others!
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