GOD's Presence above His Purpose

“My life needs GOD’s presence to work GOD’s purpose.”
Jack Hayford (jackhayford.org)

Eph 6:7: Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men.

There is a trap that we all fall into, the trap of trying to keep people happy. When we try to please people, we fill our lives with their expectations and try our best to live up to them. Some of us are more prone to this than others, but even if there’s only one person, I’m sure you can think of someone that you would move mountains for!

The thing is, all these expectations train us to think about GOD in a certain way, we picture GOD in a box. A box that is decorated with pretty pictures and adornments of what we think GOD expects of us, and in return, we come back to Him with expectations of our own. What happens then is we miss GOD’s purpose, because, instead of our lives being filled with His actual presence, it becomes cluttered with what we expect His presence to be...
You see, I believe that if our lives are truly and authentically filled with His presence, then we won’t find ourselves filled with expectations of His purpose, but instead we will be gushing with expectancy! It’s then that we can find and discern GOD’s purpose for our lives. I want to encourage you today to seek GOD’s presence first, in a real, life-changing way by surrendering to His Spirit.
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