As we move forward in our life, one of two things happen; either our passion for Jesus grows or we find that it fizzles out!  Unfortunately, the latter is true for many of us.  I believe that the key to keeping our relationship with our GOD full of passion and challenge lies in worship: daily, true, heartfelt encounters with our Creator. (John 4:24)

Jesus had this to say about devotion...

So - part of our devotion (or worship) is shown through our service.

In the Greek translation of the New Testament, the word latreuo is sometimes used for worship.  It means "to serve" and is similar to the root word for liturgy (order of worship).  This word is found in Rom 12:1b "...offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."  True worship happens when we serve!

In the Old Testament, we find the word abad is used for worship.  In Deut 6:13 - "Serve  and worship (abad) him [your GOD] exclusively."  Jesus quoted this when the devil was tempting Him to forsake His worship of GOD and bow down to him.

So what's happening when we lose our passion?

I have often fallen into the trap of thinking that I'm worshipping fully because of my adoration and praise for GOD.  But that's not the fullness of my worship. My passion starts to wane when I am serving someone or something else - and not GOD.

This is a big issue for us all as it's easy to believe that our worship exists only in the place of fellowship with others, ie. at church gatherings or worship events. This is not the whole truth, if anything, the heart of our worship is in service: using our gifts, talents, time and finances to serve GOD.

The biggest thing that we serve, when we're not serving GOD, is our fear.  Think about these...

Fear of rejection:
We don't want people to think less of or be disappointed in us, so we prioritise those relationships to the point where, on a daily basis (except Sundays... of course...) we are not putting our relationship with GOD first. We are no longer serving GOD, but our fear of rejection.

Fear of losing our job:
Many of us become so focused on work that it consumes the bulk of our energies. We do all that we can to keep our jobs and the result is that our faith moves from what GOD can do in our lives to what we can do. We are no longer serving GOD, we're serving our salary.

Fear of being hurt:
GOD is our redeemer and provider, but He's also our protector. There are times in life when we need to stand up for what is right but we don't because we may get hurt. Perhaps we need to face a difficult person or speak up against wrongful actions.  When we stand up for the truth, we're serving GOD. When we shy away, we're serving our fear.

Fear of anything that is not GOD (so, not the healthy honour-and-reverence type of fear!) causes us to focus on the 'small' details of life. It pulls us away from seeing the bigger picture, from seeing more of what GOD is doing in our lives! When we fear GOD and serve Him, we are able to worship bigger! To engage deeper, find more abundance in our relationships and be energised by our works.

Be strong and courageous.  Fear is not new. Joshua needed encouragement from Moses to be strong and courageous (Joshua 1).

May you be encouraged to serve GOD and not your fears. May you place your faith in HIM who has already overcome.  Worship and be impassioned in your relationship with GOD!
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