"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."
John 14:14 

In the early Hebrew texts we read of two distinct names for GOD: Elohim and Yahweh.  If you look in your Bible at Genesis 1, you will see that there are no references to LORD (Yahweh), only GOD (Elohim).  Then, if you turn to Genesis 2, there is the introduction of LORD (Yahweh), and it's a different creation story to Genesis 1.  This is because GOD had revealed himself to two different groups of people who eventually united under the Hebrew nation.  It's not because they worshipped different GODs, but because they realised that they worshipped the same GOD.

Elohim:  this is a plural and singular noun for 'god' or 'gods'.  In a time when most cultures worshipped several different deities, the Hebrews stood out as worshipping ONE GOD.  But then why have a name for GOD that is both plural and singular?  The reason is quite profound!

Whenever they would use the noun 'Elohim', it would be with singular verbs and adjectives.  Thus, a plural GOD with a singular purpose...  GOD the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Yahweh:  known commonly as Jehovah, was a sacred name that was never to be uttered aloud - it was that holy!  It was spelled YHWH and scholars would pronounce it as Jehovah so as not to utter it by mistake.  In fact, there are stories of how they would scribble in "Jehovah" above the sacred four letters so as not to avoid saying the Holy Name out loud in the temple.

That's how sacred the name of the LORD is!  It's a name that breathes worship as the very pronunciation of Yahweh is like breathing out.  To declare GOD's name is to worship, to speak out His Name is to speak power and promise.

Jesus promised his followers (and us) that if we ask anything in His name - it will be done.  But why, then, do many of us not see His power in our lives when we speak His name?

The key to being able to ask things in Jesus name is too not do it flippantly - that is blasphemy. To simply think - "Great, I'll start saying "Jesus" before I want something to happen and it will just magically happen,"  is to undermine the scripture and context of what Jesus was saying and why He was saying it.

Jesus built up to this statement with a few precursors... go and read from verse 9 and you will see them too.


Jesus starts off by telling Philip that his eyes have been closed (v9).  That Jesus and the Father are one (bringing in the Elohim principle), is a crucial step in faith that we all need to take before we can start to live in the power of Christ: the reality of Grace.  If we don't believe in Christ's union with GOD the Father, we are saying that He doesn't really have the power to do what He says he will do.

It also means that we don't know Him as well as we should.  An intimate and personal relationship with Jesus is crucial to being able to speak His name with power.


Essentially, Jesus is encouraging us to remember the deliverance and provision of GOD.  The works that He has already done in our lives that have brought us to the point of realisation that He is in control and that He does have authority.

This is to aid our Faith - to give strength to the our belief that GOD will move in our lives because He already has.  It's kind of like David's recollection of how he was delivered from lions and bears and not hurt! 


What we ask needs to be for GOD's glory - not our own.  The only way that we can start to think of GOD's glory is to stop living for ourselves, and start living for Him.  Our natural selfish desires will always hinder us from speaking the power of GOD.  When we truly have nothing to gain and all is for GOD, we will see mighty and powerful deeds!

May you be encouraged to speak GOD's power in your life today because: He is sovereign, He is faithful, He will be glorified!

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