"Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes."

After having seen Louie Giglio's Idescribable several times, I am now reading the book by the same title that he co-authored with Matt Redman.  I was awed by the DVD, and I'm even more awed by the book!  It amazed me that GOD has created so much, yet still wants a personal relationship with me.  

With the recent space jump, by Felix Baumgartner, I was struck by the amount of time, energy, resources and money that must have been invested into getting one man to the ends of our atmosphere.  Hundreds of people, millions of dollars, expensive machinery and technology, so that one man could be elevated to 39km above the earth's surface - only to jump back down again.

It seems huge to us - because it is huge to us.  But to GOD, it's nothing major at all.

Our entire solar system (so all the way out to Pluto), when compared to the Milky Way (our galaxy, which is just one in billions that we know of) would be like comparing a coin to the size of Southern Africa.  And GOD did all of that by himself.  The magnitude of the created universe in indescribable and incomprehensible.  Science just keeps adding zeroes to the end of what we know.

So what exactly does this mean to you and me?  Well... as Jesus said - it means that we can rest assured that GOD has taken care of tomorrow.  GOD is able to supply our every need according to His riches; ie.  when a need arises, GOD's provided.

Too much time and energy is spent on worrying about the needs of tomorrow.  We stress about bills to pay, about what may or may not happen and this comes at the detriment of bring GOD and excellent offering of worship TODAY!  Our day becomes consumed with 'what might be' instead of being consumed with the gifts that GOD has given us to enjoy today.

It might be a work opportunity, it might be the healing of a hurt, it might be a relationship.  Look around you today and see GOD.

May I encourage you to focus on the tasks that have been laid before you for today, and today alone.  May I challenge you to trust GOD that as you commit your ways to Him, for this day, He will take care of tomorrow?  This is worship; our faith is being put into action as we do what GOD has always wanted us to do - share our gifts for His glory, not for our provision for tomorrow.
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